• What kinds of things are included in your recollections?
  • How do you feel about this material?
  • What kinds of conflict recur in your remembered accounts? How have you handled the conflicts in your life? Does one strategy predominate over others?
  • What parts of your life story have you left untold or edited out? Are there any important missing details?
  • What view of yourself comes through in your story? How have you characterized yourself? What underlying sense of yourself comes through?

[The American comedian Rodney Dangerfield was best known for his one-liner: “I don’t get no respect.” Are there any one-liners that might characterize your life story?]

  • Do your stories reflect a particular life philosophy? What important activities or tasks have you not as yet completed?

[Note: Some of these questions reflect the wisdom of Gary Kenyon and William Randall in their profound book Restorying Our Lives: Personal Growth Through Autobiographical Reflection. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1997. Specific credit to Chapter 5: “The Restorying of Our Lives,” pp. 132-134]